Infants and toddlers, especially, need the security of a consistent routine for meals, naps, and bedtime. They need very simple explanations for the necessary differences in their daily routine. “We are all staying home together for a while to stay healthy.” Toddlers in child care have heard of “germs” and the ways we try to cut down on the spread of them (washing their hands, not putting toys in their mouths, coughing into their elbows, etc.) This is another way to stay healthy, and it’s even more necessary to do this for a while. While adults may not be able to answer all of young children’s questions – and young children may not be able to verbalize them – adults can still “listen for” and acknowledge feelings. “Yes, this does feel different.” “I know; this is confusing.”
It is so important that family members and caregivers remember to be gentle on themselves as they, too, feel the differences in the world and the confusion that is happening alongside their children. This is a normal feeling in response to the unknown and to change — and to adjusting to a heightened awareness of our surroundings.
On any given day and in any given moment, our best will be good enough.
with those you love most. Not only can you raise your child’s mood, they can do the same for you. Have fun with that.