A Little Lesson on Finding Joy in Parenting by Sarah Zawaly

I am often struck by the stress that I see around me when talking to other parents. They aren’t alone, I am right there with them at times. In fact, just last night I couldn’t sleep, making lists in my head of how to get my kids to all of their events while I am out of town. And it isn’t just the shuffling carpool, work, and dinners, it is so much more. We seem to put so much pressure on ourselves to make sure we are doing the best job possible. When really what is the worst thing that can happen if a child misses a practice or is a little late to school? Parenting can be overwhelming and we can get caught up in the cycle of stressed out parenting!

Well, today the buck stops here. A dear friend sent me an article, “Why Happy Families all Need Good Hygge,” from www.netmums.com and it was a well timed reminder that the best way to find joy in parenting is to actually “just be” with my kids or “hygge,” as the Danish describe it. Get out the cozy blankets, soft lighting (maybe even Christmas lights) and create a special spot to just be present with your little ones, the way it is done in the homes across Denmark. As I read the article I was quickly reminded of snow days, hot chocolate and snuggling up to my mom when I was little. Just thinking about those childhood days brings a smile to my face. Those times need to be more often in my life with my own children. Don’t get me wrong we get our snuggle time in but the idea of making it a special ritual seems to just be so perfect in so many ways.

As summer approaches let’s all adopt a little “hygge” in our lives. Put down the devices, laugh, read a good book, eat a yummy dessert and indulge in the present moment with our children. Making memories and giving our kids the joy of living in the present and letting go of the “to dos” is more important than we might think. Cheers to living a little more like the Danish.

Growing Sound has some fantastic songs that will definitely help with your “hygge” moments. Try listening to Me and You https://soundcloud.com/growing-sound/me-and-you-1, Every Time I Look At You https://soundcloud.com/growing-sound/everytime-i-look-at-you and ‘Cause I Love It https://soundcloud.com/growing-sound/cause-i-love-it

Want to learn more about this Danish ritual check out the article I read, “Why Happy Families all Need Good Hygge” at http://www.netmums.com/child/the-loveliest-parenting-trick-you-should-steal-from#Continue1.

Sarah Zawaly has been working with young children, parents and teachers for a number of years in multiple capacities; teacher, therapist, preschool consultant, and coach. She holds a MSW and is currently working at Children, Inc.’s Innovation Lab.

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